Revive the Healthy Food Plate

 India is currently experiencing a profound "nutrition transition," marked by a swift evolution in dietary habits. This transition is defined by a notable departure from traditional diets, once rich in fiber and predominantly composed of whole foods. Instead, there's a notable surge towards adopting more Western-style diets, characterized by highly processed foods and elevated calorie content.

Navigating India's Nutrition Transition: Unpacking the Impact of Economic Growth, Urbanization, and the Rise of Packaged "Junk Foods" The shift in dietary habits within India parallels the nation's swift economic advancement and urbanization. Concurrently, there's been a surge in the consumption of packaged and processed foods, commonly referred to as "junk foods." This trend is further fueled by aggressive advertising campaigns targeting younger consumers, promoting the allure of "tasty" and "affordable" comfort foods.

Unveiling the Growth of Ultra-Processed Foods in India: A Look into Industry Expansion and Consumption Trends The ultra-processed food sector in India has witnessed remarkable growth, boasting a compound annual growth rate of 13.37% from 2011 to 2021. Projections indicate that India's food processing industry will soar to a value of $535 billion by the fiscal year 2025-26. Findings from a nationwide survey conducted by the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) shed light on concerning consumption patterns. A staggering 93% of children reported consuming packaged foods, with 68% indulging in sweetened beverages packaged at least once a week. Furthermore, 53% of respondents admitted to consuming these foods on a daily basis.

Read More - Bring back the healthy food plate


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