
Showing posts with the label hepatitis infection

Navigating the Terrain of Hepatitis Infection

The 2024 Global Hepatitis Report from the World Health Organization reveals staggering figures: in 2022, 254 million individuals grappled with Hepatitis B, while another 50 million battled Hepatitis C. In 2022, India ranked second globally in Hepatitis B and C cases, following China, with a total of 35 million infections. Hepatitis, an inflammatory condition affecting the liver, is primarily caused by the hepatitis virus. This virus is classified into five distinct strains: A, B, C, D, and E. While hepatitis A and E typically result in acute and self-limiting infections, hepatitis B and C are known to progress to chronic states, posing significant risks such as liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, and hepatitis-related mortality. Read More About- Hepatitis Infection